Friday, May 21, 2010


Here are some fun pics from Kamanawanaplaya (basically 6th grade Field Day). This was an extremely hot, but fun day. The kids got so wet and muddy that they were required to leave school in a trash bag :) They had a blast and it was fun to watch them all get messy and wet. I really enjoyed hanging with my tennis friends that also have 6th graders. It was a fun day for all. Emma is SO tired out!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How Did This Happen???

Happy 12th Birthday to my sweet Emma. I cannot believe she is doing this to me! This makes me feel very, very, very old.

My how time flies......How did we go from this....

To this?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Second to None....

Ok....maybe they actually were second to another team :), but they are first in my heart! They were the runners up for their 8U Open league. Unfortunately, they lost the championship game on Thursday night, but they stil came home with some hardware, which is always a plus. We are definitely running out of room for all of these trophies!!