Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's That Time of Year!

chaos (äs′)

  1. extreme confusion or disorder
This describes the Conde household right now. Every year when we hit the end of April and May, chaos becomes our norm. We have all 3 kids birthdays, the end of school coming, dance recitals, baseball tournaments, and end of school parties. However, this year we are in the midst of putting in Emma's new bathroom, which has added to the chaos. They had to tear out sheetrock in my closet (which is directly below the new bathroom, so every article of clothing I own is sitting on my bedroom floor in disarray. Additionally, we have an out of town baseball tournament next weekend, the kids' birthday parties and Mother's Day the next weekend, then Emma dances in Cinderella the next weekend. Also, Emma graduates from elementary school this year, so we have added festivities with graduation, graduation parties, and her big 5th grade party at school that I am helping out with. All of these things are good things, fun things - but nonetheless add to our hectic schedules! To top it all off, our upstairs air conditioner quit working yesterday, so I had to get that fixed today! I am praying that our construction zone of a house gets completed soon, and that we survive the rest of the school year without any issues :) Then maybe we can return to:


conforming with or constituting an accepted standard, model, or pattern; esp., corresponding to the median or average of a large group in type, appearance, achievement, function, development, etc.; natural; usual; standard; regular

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Abuela's 90th Fiesta!

Marcelo's grandmother turned 90 last week and we had a party for her over the weekend. Everyone had a great time. It was nice to have everyone together to celebrate such a happy occasion!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Pics

Kaitlyn with Dylan ready to hunt some Easter Eggs

The cousins

Our niece Addie decided the park is more fun without clothes :) Pretty funny when it isn't your child!!!

I don't remember why Nicholas was sad, but I caught them in a sweet moment so I had to snap a pic.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

He Is Risen!

We are celebrating the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Over 2000 years ago Jesus made a decision to die on the cross for OUR sins.

It is hard to imagine what He went through.
It makes me thankful that
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life" - John 3:16

Thank you God for loving me and forgiving me!
That is what I will celebrate this Easter!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Demolition Day

Nothing like tearing up a little sheetrock to entertain the kiddos on a long weekend off from school!! Actually, we are putting in a bathroom in the really large closet outside Emma's room. An almost 11-year old could use her privacy and we only have 1 bathroom upstairs right now. We had to tear it up so the plumber can come in and get started, so the kids and Marcelo worked away yesterday. I think they actually had some fun :) And yes, we do believe in child labor in the Conde household.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oh So Close

Obviously baseball is a huge thing in the Conde household. But, a proud mama has to brag!!! I have to tell you, there is nothing cooler than seeing a 7-year old knock a ball over the fence for an out of the park home run. Both teams give the kids a standing ovation when they do this, irregardless of whose team the kid is on. Last night, a boy on our team did it. However, Nicholas got oh so close. When the ball hit off the bat, my dad said "Uh-oh." Both Nicholas and Dylan have some serious incentives on the table awaiting their first out of the park homer. Anyhow, I really thought it was going. However, it bounced just shy of the fence and bounced over for a ground rule double. That was his first ground rule double though - pretty exciting stuff for a 7-year old (and his proud parents!). I have a feeling pretty soon we will be paying up :) The smile on his face last night was absolutely precious, as this was definitely the closest he has come.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Fun Weekend of Baseball

We had a really fun weekend in League City for the tournament. The boys had a great time hanging out with their friends. They ended up in 3rd place for the tournament....not too shabby for 7 year olds playing an 8 year old tournament. We spent time with families from the team in Kemah on Saturday night and had lots of fun. Emma got to work the score board on Sunday - she thought that was pretty cool. The only down side was that we played our old team, the Mustangs, twice over the weekend and lost to them after losing 2 league games to them last week. 4 times in a week is too much of the Mustangs!! Big League Dreams was really cool. They played on Wrigley Field and Crosley Park. Both Nicholas and Dylan had a tremendous weekend with some amazing plays and really solid hitting.

Anyhow, today is Opening Day of the MLB.....we are having ballpark food around our house for dinner tonight and watching the Astros. Opening Day is like a National holiday around here!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Big League Dreamin'

Our little Avengers are playing in a tournament this weekend in League City. It is at a place called Big League Dreams. The boys are SO excited for this. The ballpark's fields are replicas of major league ballparks, so it is a pretty cool place. They are so excited to play on Wrigley Field. Maybe one day we'll get to see them on the real Wrigley Field, but for now this is pretty cool!

We decided to make a family weekend out of it, so we got a hotel room in Kemah. They will finish up games by 2pm on Saturday, so we are excited to go have some family fun afterwards.

Wish the Avengers luck this weekend....they have been working so hard!