Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's That Time of Year!

chaos (äs′)

  1. extreme confusion or disorder
This describes the Conde household right now. Every year when we hit the end of April and May, chaos becomes our norm. We have all 3 kids birthdays, the end of school coming, dance recitals, baseball tournaments, and end of school parties. However, this year we are in the midst of putting in Emma's new bathroom, which has added to the chaos. They had to tear out sheetrock in my closet (which is directly below the new bathroom, so every article of clothing I own is sitting on my bedroom floor in disarray. Additionally, we have an out of town baseball tournament next weekend, the kids' birthday parties and Mother's Day the next weekend, then Emma dances in Cinderella the next weekend. Also, Emma graduates from elementary school this year, so we have added festivities with graduation, graduation parties, and her big 5th grade party at school that I am helping out with. All of these things are good things, fun things - but nonetheless add to our hectic schedules! To top it all off, our upstairs air conditioner quit working yesterday, so I had to get that fixed today! I am praying that our construction zone of a house gets completed soon, and that we survive the rest of the school year without any issues :) Then maybe we can return to:


conforming with or constituting an accepted standard, model, or pattern; esp., corresponding to the median or average of a large group in type, appearance, achievement, function, development, etc.; natural; usual; standard; regular

1 comment:

Lisa Glynn said...

I an empathize! Who knew when we became moms that we'd look forward to summer as much (more?) than the kids! Yeah lazy days - COME ON!!!!!
(and so cool about the bathroom!)