Thursday, June 4, 2009

School's Out

Wow. I cannot believe summer is officially here! Emma had her 5th grade walk yesterday - I cried. They play loud music and have the 5th graders walk the hall for the last time. The other grades line up in the halls and high five them as they walk through. I'm so sad her time in elementary is over, but I know she is ready for middle school.

The boys are already bored :) They get to go to baseball camp next week, so they can't wait until Monday. They are obsessed with baseball. We left the team they are on and are looking for another right now, so that isn't helping. I'm sure a week at Miracles will do the trick. They will be so tired from 6 hours of baseball a day that they won't be bored!!!

Emma starts her Summer Intensive at dance on Monday as well. She goes for 6 hours a day for 2 weeks. This will be interesting. She gets to study with some professionals that her studio brings in. She is very excited about mixing in a little modern and jazz with the ballet and pointe. I know she is going to be in some serious pain from doing pointe every day for 2 weeks though. I know she will tough it out though.

I hope everyone has a wonderful summer. I am so glad they are out of school and to be on a little less of a schedule. Until Monday, that is. I really didn't plan on everyone being gone next week already. That makes me kind of sad.

1 comment:

Mónica said...

the last walk for 5th graders is such a cool idea! pointe everyday for emma? ouch :-/