Friday, July 31, 2009

Wow.....What Fun We Are Having!

So, I have been a single "mom" to 6 kids since Wednesday night. So far, so good. Marcelo kept getting "stuck" in Dallas for work. Convenient, huh? Leila keeps asking me if he got unstuck yet :) The rain has not been our friend the last 2 days. It has kept everyone in close quarters. However, we have made the best of it. Marcelo called a bit ago and said he was an hour away. We'll see if he really shows up.....

If he doesn't, we will still have fun. However, not much is clean around here. But, the kids are all fed, clean, and having fun! They are definitely making memories.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

6 Kids, 2 Dogs, No Husband

We are watching my nieces and nephew for a few days while their mom and dad are in Vegas. I picked them up last night. I had to giggle when Marcelo called me yesterday afternoon because he was "stuck" in Dallas for an extra night :) Seriously, I know he really did get stuck, but it was awfully convenient timing! In all reality, we are having a blast. I managed to take all 6 to dinner last night at Willies. They were so good! I did get quite a few stares though. They all slept in the media room last night and there has been a lot of giggling. Emma has her shadow following her - my adorable little 3 year old niece Leila. We call her Emma's Mini-Me.

I am so tickled to have them all together. It is fun to watch them interact. So far, no fights have broken out except between my 3! Next week, my kids get to go stay over there while we take our turn out of town for a grown up weekend. We can't wait and neither can the kids. I'm so glad they get to have this time with their cousins!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We're Back....

We are back from vacation and having a hard time getting caught up around here. The kids enjoyed seeing friends and family in North and South Carolina. I will post pics at some point - if I ever get them downloaded! Summer is flying by......hope yours is going great!

Monday, July 6, 2009

World Series Week

The boys start their World Series this week. They had a parade, BBQ, and pin trading last night. It was hot, but fun. They played their first pool play game today and won 22-7. Go Warriors!!!! Hopefully it will be a good week for both of them. Jimmy Wynn threw out the first pitch and the boys got his autograph. They thought that was pretty cool. Hopefully it will stay cooler than it was for the state tournament. I will post their results as they play.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Cutest Desserts Ever

Emma and I made these cupcake bites yesterday. They are cuter in person than in the pictures though. I thought they turned out really cute, and really tasty :)