Monday, October 26, 2009

It's a Sad World

Here is a link to a really sad story. The man that did this is someone that Marcelo and his brother Dennis had worked with in their industry. They liked him, respected him, and are headed to the funerals tomorrow. As we start our new business, this was a man they were hoping to work with. Dennis had sent him an email last week introducing our new company and was wondering why he hadn't heard back from him. Now he knows.

Reading a story like this, it makes you wonder how people tick. I always say that you never know what goes on in people's private lives. No matter how many things you hear about though, I cannot even fathom what could make someone snap like this. They have five children - please pray for them as they struggle through this. I'm not sure how you go on from something as awful as this.

It makes me realize that it is really a sad world out there. My heart breaks that things like this can happen. I'm always trying to find the bright spot in things, or even the one saying that everything happens for a reason. But, I cannot possibly imagine what could come out of this.

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