Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to School

Here is a cute photo of Emma, Nicholas, and Dylan on their first day of school. They have been back for a week and a half now, and we are all still getting adjusted to our new schedules. Between baseball, dance, and school we are all pretty exhausted! It is hard to believe how grown up they have gotten. Emma is a 5th grader now, and is so independent it is scary. The boys are in 2nd, and are too grown up as well. Dylan lost his first tooth on Tuesday, thanks to knocking it on his brother's head over the weekend. Here is a cute photo of him right after. Nicholas has to get his two front ones pulled on Monday. He stopped his bike with his teeth in Colorado biking down Vail Pass. I will post some photos once they are out. Either way, it is amazing to me how time flies. It seems like they were all babies just yesterday. I really miss having little ones around, but it is so cool to see what neat kids they have turned into!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Wow, they are so grown up now! Hope everything is going well for all of you! It's been too long since we've seen you. I will be a frequent reader!!