Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am Thankful!

This Thanksgiving, I am so thankful for so much.

I am thankful for my beautiful family - my loving husband and each of my kids. I adore all of you and can't imagine my life without each one of you. You fill my heart and my life and it is my honor to take care of all of you!

I am thankful for our health. Not one day goes by that I take that for granted.

I am thankful for my parents and for our relationship with them. We love you and you are the best grandparents ever!

I am thankful for my awesome Grandmother, who at 91 is still flying out to see us. I am so grateful that we get to spend Thanksgiving together. She is truly one of the great role models in my life!

I am thankful for all of our extended family, for their health, all of their blessings, and for a year of healing after the passing of my father-in-law.

Thank you God for this last year. You have taught me so much (even when I didn't want to learn!) and carried us through some rough times. You also blessed us with some amazing times. We have grown so much in You, individually, and as a family. Thank you for each day. I am thankful!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sugar Plum Tea and Shootings.....

It was another busy weekend around the Conde household! The boys had a tournament this weekend. They played 2 games on Friday night - they won one and lost the other. They got Saturday off, but Miss Emma had Nutcracker rehearsal. Today, the boys had another game and won. While they were at the ball fields, Emma and I attended our first Mother/Daughter Sugar Plum Tea. Her dance studio puts this on to raise money for their Nutcracker Production. The characters dressed in their beautiful costumes and visited us during the tea party. It was a wonderful sight, and made us even more excited for Emma's big performance 2 weeks from now! Here are some great photos from today.

Emma and her friends

Emma with the Arabian Dancer and Dew Drop

Emma with one of her favorites, the beautiful Snow Queen

Obviously, with the Nutcracker!

Emma with a Snowflake

So our plan was to finish up at the Sugar Plum Tea and go watch the boys' semifinal game for their tournament. The tournament was not being held in the best part of town....a common hazard playing baseball in and around Houston! Anyhow, Marcelo texts me at the tea to let me know the tournament was cancelled. Apparently, there was a shooting at the basketball courts in the park the tournament was being held in. How scary! We pray that the person shot recovers fully and that the one who did it is brought to justice. This was their last tournament of the Fall season.....and they were quite disappointed to have it end this way. What a day!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008


The thing I love about life is that there are seasons. The thing I hate about life is that there are seasons.

I love the concept that where I am is not where I will be in the future - that there will be growth and change, hopefully maturity and depth. I love to look back and see what I have learned and how I have become a better version of me. It also excites me to know that, hopefully, I will continually evolve in the future. Boy is that a struggle sometimes!

On the other hand, changing seasons means that there are times when life is not so fun, when my outlook is not so positive and my walk with God is vague and dim and not what it should be. In those times, I know in my heart that it is just a season and God wants to show me something. But, it doesn't feel so hot and I get really bogged down. I find myself trying to make the season pass - how funny is that? I try to get in whatever posture I need to be in to learn whatever I need to learn just so it will be over. As if I can hurry up the season.

Then, I realize I have no more control over the seasons of life than I do the seasons of nature. God is working and if it is winter, I just need to trust that He is creating something that I can't see - and Spring, close or far, is coming.

One of these days I will learn to let go and let Him be in control. God has always been there, through all of my seasons, good and bad. If you are in a tough season, hang in there. If you are in a good one, enjoy every minute of it!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Welcome to the world Daniel!

My cousin Ryan and Margaret had their baby on Wednesday night after a rough delivery. He is here and he is healthy and beautiful. They are all recovering....we can't wait to meet him!

It made me think of the day all my beautiful babies were born.

Emma Elizabeth

Nicholas Drew (left) and Dylan Alexander (right)
*yes I know they will hate me for posting naked baby photos!!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And the winner is......

Emma! That is correct, she won a very important election today. Her ballet teacher elected her to go on pointe shoes. This is a HUGE milestone in a ballerina's life. Emma has been waiting for this day for 10 and a half years she says. We are so proud of her!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Two Weekends, Two Trophies Each!

What a fun weekend! After enjoying Halloween and Field Day on Friday, the boys had a baseball tournament in Pearland this weekend. They won the yet 2 more trophies to make room for. After last weekend's 2nd place finish Nicholas and Dylan were already excited. But two weekends in a row....and winning 1st this weekend - too much fun for 7 year olds.

After the tournament finished on Sunday we met Dennis, Christy, and the girls for lunch and then hung out at their house for awhile. Their little cousins Addie and Kaitlyn just love having the big kids attention. It was nice to relax and hang out with them - we don't get to do that often enough!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Busy Friday!

Field Day and Halloween.....all on the same day! It made for a busy, but really fun Friday for the kids.