Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am Thankful!

This Thanksgiving, I am so thankful for so much.

I am thankful for my beautiful family - my loving husband and each of my kids. I adore all of you and can't imagine my life without each one of you. You fill my heart and my life and it is my honor to take care of all of you!

I am thankful for our health. Not one day goes by that I take that for granted.

I am thankful for my parents and for our relationship with them. We love you and you are the best grandparents ever!

I am thankful for my awesome Grandmother, who at 91 is still flying out to see us. I am so grateful that we get to spend Thanksgiving together. She is truly one of the great role models in my life!

I am thankful for all of our extended family, for their health, all of their blessings, and for a year of healing after the passing of my father-in-law.

Thank you God for this last year. You have taught me so much (even when I didn't want to learn!) and carried us through some rough times. You also blessed us with some amazing times. We have grown so much in You, individually, and as a family. Thank you for each day. I am thankful!

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