Friday, November 21, 2008


The thing I love about life is that there are seasons. The thing I hate about life is that there are seasons.

I love the concept that where I am is not where I will be in the future - that there will be growth and change, hopefully maturity and depth. I love to look back and see what I have learned and how I have become a better version of me. It also excites me to know that, hopefully, I will continually evolve in the future. Boy is that a struggle sometimes!

On the other hand, changing seasons means that there are times when life is not so fun, when my outlook is not so positive and my walk with God is vague and dim and not what it should be. In those times, I know in my heart that it is just a season and God wants to show me something. But, it doesn't feel so hot and I get really bogged down. I find myself trying to make the season pass - how funny is that? I try to get in whatever posture I need to be in to learn whatever I need to learn just so it will be over. As if I can hurry up the season.

Then, I realize I have no more control over the seasons of life than I do the seasons of nature. God is working and if it is winter, I just need to trust that He is creating something that I can't see - and Spring, close or far, is coming.

One of these days I will learn to let go and let Him be in control. God has always been there, through all of my seasons, good and bad. If you are in a tough season, hang in there. If you are in a good one, enjoy every minute of it!

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