Monday, December 8, 2008

What a Weekend!!

Emma and her party brother!

Yuriko and Jared from the American Ballet Theatre - the guest artists

Five shows later, Emma's first Nutcracker experience is over. She is very sad it is over and wished it lasted for a few weeks. It was a fantastic weekend. Emma was a girl for 3 shows and a boy for the other 2. I worked backstage a few times, and got to watch it with everyone on Saturday night out front. Emma even got to come out and watch Act II. The guest artists from the ABT were amazing. Emma was so excited to be in the same show with artists of that caliber. However, I will say that we had some pretty fantastic ballerinas from HRB as well. The Snow Queen was awesome! It is really cool to see what Emma is working so hard to become. I have no doubt that one day we will be watching her on a big stage somewhere in all of the major ballets!

Emma was thrilled to have so much family come to watch her perform - that is a rare treat for her! We are guessing that in a year or two we might have a Clara on our hands......

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