Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Am Second

A friend introduced me to a new website that I wanted to share with you. It touched me so deeply, and I know it will touch you as well.

I have been giving thought to my goals for 2009, and have found myself struggling to come up with a meaningful one. After seeing this, I know that my goal is to be second. I want to grow in Christ even more this year. I want to use that to be the wife, mother, daughter, and friend that I should be - that I fall so short of most of the time. I want to remember that Jesus loves ME, not what other people perceive of me.

"I Am Second" is a site full of short testimonies from several Believers. Some are faces you and I readily recognize and others are new. But each shares the powerful story of Christ's impact on their life. I encourage you to take a minute and go watch a few.

I haven't had the chance to see them all yet, but so far my favorite is from a guy named Nate Larkin. His story is one of real transparency. And I admire that. I respect that. And I guess it resonated with me so deeply because God taught us about transparency in 2007/2008. A different kind of transparency that Nate's. He taught me about judgment, patience, and perceptions. Perceptions of those you think know you. And the surprises in people, both positive and negative. The challenges that came into my life over that time period changed my way of thinking forever. I learned that only God knew us, knew our hearts, and could deliver us from our worldly troubles.

I learned of the great freedom that comes from walking honestly with God. The liberty that comes from bringing your "real self" to the table. How God can take something terrible in your life and use it for good. That the hardships in our lives are blessings because, as Nate points out, they help us realize that God is the center of everything. As Nate puts it, "I don't think I ever really met Jesus until I stepped out of my 'church persona' and became another broken, desperate man." The Lord used Nate's testimony to encourage me because I can't relate to the details of Nate's struggle. I don't personally know his vice. But yet I still understand. I can relate to his hurt, to his desperation, to his Hope.

There is risk in transparency.

Some will misunderstand.

Some will jump to wrong conclusions.

Many will judge.

Not everyone that hears your story, or my story, will be able to relate to the details.

But God can still use us.

He will use you.

He will right the wrongs in the end, and carry you through your battles. Trust in Him.

This website encouraged me and gave me renewed focus. I pray it does so for you as well.

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