Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fun at the Rodeo

My mom and I took Emma, the boys, Ashlea, and Emma's friend Carlie to see Taylor Swift at the rodeo on Friday. This was definitely the highlight of Spring Break. The kids had so much fun. We cashed in a small 401K (just kidding!) and took them to the carnival and livestock show for the day. They rode a ton of rides, got airbrushed tattoos, saw pig races, rode mechanical bulls, and had so much fun. Emma's friend Brianna was sitting in the section next to us, so that was fun for her and Carlie to hang with a friend from school. We got in to see the whole rodeo (my promise to Dylan who could care less about Taylor Swift!) Nicholas has a HUGE crush on Taylor Swift, so it was adorable to see his face light up while she sang. He was so excited. He said he won't do anything bad to her so she won't have to write a song about him!! It was fun to see the girls sing every word to every song and have a blast. Thanks so much to the greatest Nana ever for getting tickets....they were not easy to come by! Everyone is sad Spring Break is over, but I told them that just means summer is that much closer. And middle school for Emma :(


Mónica said...

Nicholas is funny! He should keep thinking that way because a woman doesn't have to be a famous pop star to express her upset feelings. Ok, maybe I'm getting a little ahead :-/

Lisa Glynn said...

that is one thing I'm missing the last 2 years...the rodeo! So fun to see your pictures! LOVE the tattoos!