Friday, March 6, 2009

I Feel Old!!!

You will no doubt hear me complaining for the next few months about sending Emma to middle school. It makes me feel so OLD! She keeps telling me how much younger I am than all of her friends' mothers (true that) - what a sweet child :) However, sitting up at Goodson Middle School last night for electives night, I couldn't help but feel that time is passing too quickly. I am watching Emma grow into her own, and I couldn't be prouder of her. But, it seems like just yesterday she was a chubby cheeked smart little baby pointing at everything saying "that". Enjoy every minute of your goes by so fast.


Lisa Glynn said...

My heart is definitely out to you for this. I can't imagine getting that far. Does it help to tell you there is only 7 more years of her at your house? Probably not. Take notes on how to handle middle school so you can teach me!

Mónica said...

electives night? oy... amy, that's a tough one!