Sunday, May 31, 2009

5th Grade Pool Party and Recital

It has been CRAZY around here for the last week, especially for me and Emma! We had the 5th grade pool party on Friday. I have been working all week with the other moms to help get ready. They got to miss 4 hours of school to go to the pool and celebrate. There was an awesome DJ, food, games, and a whole lot of dancing! The kids had a fantastic time. It makes me so sad that this is coming to an end, but they are definitely ready for middle school!

And then yesterday, Emma had her first Ballet Center of Houston recital. This was a definite change for us. It was a no-costume recital (they do costumes every other year). She also had 1 dance instead of her usual 7 or 8 she had at her last studio. Now that she is studying ballet only, it is a big change. However, she has come so far in her ballet in only a year. She was the most beautiful one (our unbiased opinion), and really stood out on stage. Her teacher told me she has been such a great addition to their class and really has given the girls a lot of competition this year! It brought tears to my eyes to see her. She has gone from being a really good ballerina to being GREAT!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wax Museum

Today at school the 5th graders had a Wax Museum. They each dressed up like a president (or their wife, daughter, etc.) and made a poster about their president. They had a push button on it, so when you walked down the hall and you found one you wanted information on, you pressed it and they gave a speech. It was pretty awesome. Emma had FDR, so she was Eleanor Roosevelt. Gosh I'm going to miss elementary school with her!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fishing Fun....

We took a much needed day of rest yesterday and headed out to PawPaw and Nana's ranch in Brenham. Everyone had fun fishing....except me :( Thanks again for putting a scum frog on for me, Dad. I guess I need to stick with a bobber and worm!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Nicholas and Dylan

My sweet, sweet boys have grown too much. I cannot believe they are 8 today. Seems like just yesterday they were sharing a bassinet. Happy Birthday to my favorite boys on the planet. I love you!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

From a Friend....We Should All Stop Worrying!

Worry is the advance interest you pay on troubles that seldom come.

We worry about what MIGHT is all imagined.

Modern medical research has proven that worry breaks down resistance to disease.

Worry doesn't empty tomorrow of it's sorrow, it empties today of it's strength.

Worry never changes a single thing except the worrier.

Certainly, we are to pray, plan, and prepare for tomorrow, but we are to not worry about what might happen.

The load of tomorrow added to that of yesterday, carried today, makes even the strongest women stumble.

If we aren't worried about tomorrow, we can concentrate on trusting God for today.

1Peter 5:6-7 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
Humility means to have total trust in God alone. It is the surrender of our total being--intellect, emotions, will, plans, and judgments. It is relinquishing everything. Unload..throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon him, for you are his personal concern.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Emma

Happy 11th Birthday to my beautiful, wonderful, sweet daughter. I cannot believe she is 11. This kills me!!!! Where does the time go?

Monday, May 11, 2009

What a Weekend....

So to follow up on our weekend besides Mother's Day, it started with Emma's slumber party on Friday night. She had 8 girls over, 4 of which stayed the night. They swam in the pool, drank virgin pina coladas and frozen strawberry lemonade, and had a great time. We had construction going on all last week on Emma's bathroom and our bathroom remodel, so I was scurrying around like crazy on Friday trying to clean the dust from the tile work. My Aunt Carol was visiting, so she and my mom came to hang out and watch the girls have fun with me. Emma got a lot of wonderful gifts and had so much fun. There was lots of giggling and squealing. And hairstyling!!! Oh, to be 11 again :)

Then on Saturday, we had a party for Nicholas and Dylan. We took 15 boys to the Rice University baseball game - they won 10-2! It was a lot of fun. I think the boys all enjoyed the game and having some fun together. It was really, really hot, but fun nonetheless. Afterwards, we came back for cake and presents. We had our families coming for a pool party, and several of the boys and their parents hung out. It was a fabulous time - I got to let loose after having to work for both of their parties! We swam, drank some frozen beverages (spiked) and some beer, and Marcelo grilled hotdogs and hamboogers (say it like in Pink Panther, like my sweet little niece Leila!) We had such a wonderful time hanging out with everyone. It is always fun to see the kids with their cousins and friends. We so enjoy hosting parties - and I think it was one of our best! I treasure these moments with the kids and our family. Time flies by so did the kids get so big???

Now we are on to our construction phase, part II. We had to tape off our entire kitchen and laundry room with plastic sheeting. The tile guys returned today to create a new dust storm by busting out our nasty light colored tile in the kitchen. By Wednesday we should have a beautiful new slate floor! And all the dust to clean up again. Our refrigerator is in our living room, my washer and dryer in the garage, and my powder room toilet right outside the back door :). It will all be worth it though.....I thank my wonderful husband for doing this for us, and my brother-in-law for sending his awesome workers to help us out!

Happy Mother's Day!

After a long weekend of birthday parties, we did manage a little downtime on Mother's Day. Mother's Day is always a mixed time for me, especially this year. When I was 11, that was the last Mother's Day I had with my mom. At the time, she was very ill. With Emma turning 11 tomorrow, I had a lot of emotions running through me this Mother's Day. It is strange to see my daughter at the age I was when the world changed for me.

However, as life often does, things for me got better as time went on. I am so blessed to have Susan for my mother now. Not everyone that has suffered the losses I have is so lucky to have another wonderful mom enter their life. Thank you God for all of your blessings, especially for both of my mothers!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Deal or No Deal

We are so proud of Emma! She won her AR (accelerated reader) contest at school. She had more points than anyone in the entire school - 616 points- and won 1st place for the second year in a row. What a tremendous accomplishment. We couldn't be prouder!!!

They have a huge party for all the 3-5th graders that make their AR goal each year. This year, they played Deal or No Deal. Unfortunately, Emma was not as successful at that as she is at reading - she only won $.01!!! I guess she isn't ready for Las Vegas.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu

I am not an overly paranoid mother. However, this swine flu thing has me rattled. There has now been a confirmed case in our school district - not close to us, but too close for comfort. Please take every precaution to keep your children healthy and not expose anyone else to a sick child. Mine are slathered in hand sanitizer, lysol is our new scent of the week, and I am loading them up with extra vitamins! Keep your children away from anyone that has been to Mexico recently, and wipe everything down with clorox wipes. As I told Marcelo, I'd rather be paranoid that stupid and sorry later!!!