Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Deal or No Deal

We are so proud of Emma! She won her AR (accelerated reader) contest at school. She had more points than anyone in the entire school - 616 points- and won 1st place for the second year in a row. What a tremendous accomplishment. We couldn't be prouder!!!

They have a huge party for all the 3-5th graders that make their AR goal each year. This year, they played Deal or No Deal. Unfortunately, Emma was not as successful at that as she is at reading - she only won $.01!!! I guess she isn't ready for Las Vegas.

1 comment:

Lisa Glynn said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! She may have only won a penny, but I bet she'd be able to make an interest on it and end up being able to buy a car. A smart cookie, that Emma is!