Monday, May 11, 2009

What a Weekend....

So to follow up on our weekend besides Mother's Day, it started with Emma's slumber party on Friday night. She had 8 girls over, 4 of which stayed the night. They swam in the pool, drank virgin pina coladas and frozen strawberry lemonade, and had a great time. We had construction going on all last week on Emma's bathroom and our bathroom remodel, so I was scurrying around like crazy on Friday trying to clean the dust from the tile work. My Aunt Carol was visiting, so she and my mom came to hang out and watch the girls have fun with me. Emma got a lot of wonderful gifts and had so much fun. There was lots of giggling and squealing. And hairstyling!!! Oh, to be 11 again :)

Then on Saturday, we had a party for Nicholas and Dylan. We took 15 boys to the Rice University baseball game - they won 10-2! It was a lot of fun. I think the boys all enjoyed the game and having some fun together. It was really, really hot, but fun nonetheless. Afterwards, we came back for cake and presents. We had our families coming for a pool party, and several of the boys and their parents hung out. It was a fabulous time - I got to let loose after having to work for both of their parties! We swam, drank some frozen beverages (spiked) and some beer, and Marcelo grilled hotdogs and hamboogers (say it like in Pink Panther, like my sweet little niece Leila!) We had such a wonderful time hanging out with everyone. It is always fun to see the kids with their cousins and friends. We so enjoy hosting parties - and I think it was one of our best! I treasure these moments with the kids and our family. Time flies by so did the kids get so big???

Now we are on to our construction phase, part II. We had to tape off our entire kitchen and laundry room with plastic sheeting. The tile guys returned today to create a new dust storm by busting out our nasty light colored tile in the kitchen. By Wednesday we should have a beautiful new slate floor! And all the dust to clean up again. Our refrigerator is in our living room, my washer and dryer in the garage, and my powder room toilet right outside the back door :). It will all be worth it though.....I thank my wonderful husband for doing this for us, and my brother-in-law for sending his awesome workers to help us out!

1 comment:

Lisa Glynn said...

I bet you will sleep like a rock when the dust settles!