Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another Prayer Request

A kindergarten teacher at the boys' school, Katrina Yang, has been diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia. Her husband has set up a blog to keep people informed of her progress. This has been a quick week for her as she was diagnosed this week and started chemo yesterday. Please say a prayer for healing and for minimal side effects as she begins treatment.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today I have an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness. I am thankful for my family, and for our health. If you haven't done so yet, please check out Layla's journey and pray for her family. Short of a miracle, her time is dwindling. You will hug your kids tighter tonight!

I am thankful for my awesome husband and our marriage. I am truly blessed to be married to my best friend. So many around us are struggling with their marriages and it breaks my heart to see the end of these families.

I am thankful for the opportunities we have for our business. Although progress is slower than I would like, I know that we have success in our future. God will put it together for us in His timing, not mine!

I am thankful for each day, and for knowing that God has me in His hands. It is truly a gift.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Please Pray for Layla

You can read about her journey here. Many of my friends know this family well. I've been following her journey for awhile now - time is running out. Please pray for a miracle!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The First of Many.....

My sweet, beautiful ballerina Emma got her first acceptance into a summer program yesterday. She had an audition with Joffrey Ballet. She was accepted into both their short and long summer program. Additionally, she received a merit scholarship to help out with the costs. We are so proud of this accomplishment.

We have decided to wait a year or two before sending her off for such a long time. However, it was an amazing accomplishment for her to even be accepted at such a young age. She did better than anyone else from her level at her studio, and really shined at her audition. Congratulations Emma!!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Love Story

The boys had a baseball tournament this weekend. We sat through the freezing cold yesterday, but had a good day of baseball. For several weeks now, Nicholas has been SO close to hitting a homerun out of the park. I have been so afraid to miss a minute of a game, knowing full well that if I did he would finally hit one over.

Anyhow, last night he told me he was going to hit me a homerun for Valentine's Day. How sweet is that? He reminded me again this morning. And lo and behold - he did. I was so excited and proud - his first out of the park homer is a HUGE deal. He ran the bases, had his teammates waiting for him as he crossed home, came into the dugout with a wonderful smile and looked at me and said, see- I told you I'd hit you one! I love you Mommy!

I think this is the absolute best Valentine's Day present I ever have had. Perhaps Dylan can hit me one for St. Patrick's Day :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Update on the kids

Emma - She is 11.5 now, going on 14! She loves to paint her nails, curl her hair, shop, dance, dream......what happened to our LITTLE girl??? She is extremely talkative, funny, vibrant, and intelligent. She is beautiful, on the inside and out. No one has a heart like our Emma. She is doing so well in middle school, both academically and socially. She is becoming the most beautiful ballerina, and really stands out in her class and in HRB.

Nicholas - What can I say about Pudge?? He is loving, cuddly (still - PTL!), inquistive, worries a lot. What happpened to our laid back boy? He is growing fast - he has about an inch on his brother. It is an incredible thing to see him play 1st base. He catches everything that comes near him and digs balls out of the dirt while chewing gum and watching games on other fields. You would think he wasn't paying attention if you didn't know any better. He still loves to eat, but it is a joy to cook for a boy who will eat anything - I mean anything. He is doing so well at school and baseball. And he still loves the ladies....but only the older ones. He is sure to be cougar prey one day :) He loves the cologne he got for Christmas - maybe a little too much!!!

Dylan - If he doesn't end up as a shortstop in the MLB he has a definite career as a stand up comic. This boy is just funny! We have no idea where he gets it from, but he has us laughing and laughing every day. He LOVES an audience. He still loves to read and does very well at school. He makes playing shortstop look like an easy task - it isn't! He played 3rd base for awhile yesterday and caught an amazing line drive - he just loves baseball! He is still obsessed with any sporting event he can catch on TV. Maybe he'll be an ESPN analyst if his first two careers don't pan out. He has no interest in girls, but they are going to love him!!!