Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Love Story

The boys had a baseball tournament this weekend. We sat through the freezing cold yesterday, but had a good day of baseball. For several weeks now, Nicholas has been SO close to hitting a homerun out of the park. I have been so afraid to miss a minute of a game, knowing full well that if I did he would finally hit one over.

Anyhow, last night he told me he was going to hit me a homerun for Valentine's Day. How sweet is that? He reminded me again this morning. And lo and behold - he did. I was so excited and proud - his first out of the park homer is a HUGE deal. He ran the bases, had his teammates waiting for him as he crossed home, came into the dugout with a wonderful smile and looked at me and said, see- I told you I'd hit you one! I love you Mommy!

I think this is the absolute best Valentine's Day present I ever have had. Perhaps Dylan can hit me one for St. Patrick's Day :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE that Amy!!! Brought a tear to my eye! He made up his mind he was going to to do it, and he DID it!!! Now for Dylan to hit one on St. Patrick's Day! Tell Nicholas Aunt Sue said "Way to go"! Love and miss y'all!! Aunt Sue p.s. Planning on stopping by week of 3/15 for a few days - know the kids will be in school but hope to catch you in between everything! A baseball game or ballet would be sweet to see while we're there!!