Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today I have an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness. I am thankful for my family, and for our health. If you haven't done so yet, please check out Layla's journey and pray for her family. Short of a miracle, her time is dwindling. You will hug your kids tighter tonight!

I am thankful for my awesome husband and our marriage. I am truly blessed to be married to my best friend. So many around us are struggling with their marriages and it breaks my heart to see the end of these families.

I am thankful for the opportunities we have for our business. Although progress is slower than I would like, I know that we have success in our future. God will put it together for us in His timing, not mine!

I am thankful for each day, and for knowing that God has me in His hands. It is truly a gift.

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