Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Catching up with Family

Here is a photo of my cousin Ryan and his adorable wife Margaret. She is due Nov. 3rd. - isn't she cute??? I was NEVER that cute at 9 months pregnant!!! We hung out with them for the day on Saturday and caught up. They moved to Houston from Chicago awhile back, and unfortunately we haven't seen much of each other. It was so much fun to see them. We hung out, ate a lot, played outside, and tried to talk them into buying a house on this side of town (free babysitting!!!!) Nicholas and Dylan are especially excited because they are having a baby boy. We have no baby boys in our family, just girls. So they think it will be fun to have someone to teach baseball to. I hope we don't go this long without seeing them again. I can't wait to get my baby fix!

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