Friday, October 3, 2008

Things I think I won't miss when my kids are grown!

Finding missing socks and shoes in the oddest of places.

to get a piece of toilet paper and it is in shreds or completely unwound. Or going to sit down on the toilet seat and finding that one of your precious boys has either left you a surprise on the seat or forgotten to put it down so you fall in.....

Going to get a piece of gum and it's all gone and you just bought it yesterday. Or reaching into the bag of baseball gum and find nothing but wrappers. And then all 3 say....I didn't do it!

Finding hand prints all over your walls going up the they know what the handrail is for????

Looking like the Beverly Hillbillies because you have baseballs, basketballs, scooters, bikes, and.....oh yeah and more baseballs!!!! all over your driveway and yard.

There are so many things!!! But when I think about these things I think I really will miss them once they are all grown up. Time goes by so quickly and they grow up so fast. Every day, even with all the frustrations, I do thank God for them and all of the wonderful joys they bring to our lives.

Did I mention that this blog posting started because I found a sock hanging off the light fixture in my half bathroom???

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