Friday, October 10, 2008

Tennis Fridays

I really enjoy my tennis Fridays (and Thursdays, and sometimes Wednesdays :)!) Today we played what I like to call a "Granny Team". Bless their hearts, these ladies are awesome. I hope I am still playing tennis leagues at their age. Some friends on another line played Lorraine, who is a cute little red-headed, bedazzled pink hat wearing 78 year old and another lady. We have met her at a few tennis playdays and this lady is a hoot. And my friends got beat! One of our girls took the loss extremely hard, as she is an overly competitive girl. However, the rest of us were almost excited as Lorraine and her partner beat our team, as it surely means more to her to beat the "ponytails" as she calls us. Another lady on their team was telling us that Lorraine used to be a model and a dancer and LOVES the limelight. She said this victory over our two cutest ponytailed players was going to feed Lorraine's ego for quite awhile. As it should! It reminded me that while we can outrun these ladies, we sure can't outsmart their experience and wisdom.

As my husband is working so hard, the Dow is falling, and life is so different for so many post-Ike, I want to thank my husband for the privilege of staying home. I am truly blessed to be able to play tennis and have my group of friends. But I am even more blessed for my wonderful husband. I love you Marcelo!!!!!

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