Saturday, February 28, 2009

Emma the Clock Elf

Emma auditioned today for a production of Cinderella that her ballet studio's ballet company is putting on in May. She got the part of a clock elf. We will have to get back to everyone on the specifics of what a clock elf does. But either way, she is so excited to get to be part of another Houston Repertoire Ballet production! Congratulations to my baby.....she is something awesome!!!!

What a Lady!

I received an email from my friend Kay, the captain of our Thursday tennis team - I am the co-captain. We played a wonderful team this past Thursday, and Kay's friend Wanda is the captain of the other team. We had a good day of tennis, but our line 1 lost to the other team. Anyhow, Stephanie, the lady who played line 1 with Wanda, had a beautiful smile and was an awesome tennis player. We all commented on her smile and what a lovely person she was. Come to find out, that was her first day back at tennis in a month. Her 37 year old husband had passed away a month ago after a 2 year battle with colon cancer. You would never have known she was going through all of this. I had chatted with her for awhile after their match while we were watching another match. Wow....what an amazing testimony that she could even be standing on the court, nevertheless smiling. Wanda told Kay that Stephanie was anxious to get back to tennis, as the physical activity and the fellowship with the other ladies made her feel "normal", even if just for an hour or two. I always say life is about perspective. God has a way of presenting situations in front of you that show you how good He is, in spite of bad things that happen in the world. I will be praying for Stephanie and her children as they have a hard road ahead of them. She is truly amazing!

As I always tell my tennis ladies, there is no bad day of tennis. We are so blessed to have the time and the opportunity to spend our workout time with a neat group of ladies.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Desert Song

Check this out - a friend sent this to me....this is one of my favorites they sing at church. This is very touching, and showed me how these worship songs have a story behind them. I hope that whether you are in the desert, in the battle, or in a season of harvest that you realize God is with you.

Verse 1:
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides

Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames

And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

Verse 3:
And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be empited again
The seed I've recieved I will sow

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What a Night!

The Avengers won their game against the Tornadoes last night 19-6. The boys were SO excited. It is really cool to watch this team come together. They are playing boys a full year older than them in league, so to even win was a big accomplishment. However, it isn't about the winning. They are having so much fun with this team. They are really supportive of each other, and have really bonded as a team. But there are some reminders that they still are 7 year olds. Marcelo said that close to the end of the game, Coach Gary looked over at the bench and said "I'm losing them...." They were all sitting on the bench yawning. It was 8:30 at that point - mine are usually in bed by then :) They have a tournament out in Spring this weekend. They are really excited. People ask us how we can do this all the time. But, when you have kids that LOVE the game so much and are so excited to play, how can you not?? They will only be this age once, and I can only hope their love of baseball stays this strong!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Strawberry Hunting

Two funny things about growing up in the Conde household - my kids LOVE my homemade food, and because I spoil them with special treats for special occasions they associate all holidays/events with food. I am sure I am creating some sort of future issue for them with food, wives/husbands, their kids, or all of the above :)! Anyhow, they love to eat so I love to cook for them.

We really don't do a romantic Valentine's thing around here and never really have. First of all, Marcelo (nor I) isn't big on commercialized romance. Secondly, we have 3 kids and sitters aren't easy to come by on those types of days. Thirdly, I can't stand the crowds and it really isn't very romantic to deal with all of that anyway. So, about 5 years ago on a whim I decided to make some chocolate covered strawberries for everyone. I bought the really nice long-stemmed strawberries and dipped them and rolled them in sprinkles for the kids. Well, one successful food event around here makes a tradition. So, I have done this every year since then. They look forward to it ALL year long!

For the last 2 years, the long-stemmed strawberries have been extremely hard to come by. The grocery stores sell them already dipped, but that defeats the purpose and my kids would reject them because they weren't made by me and they didn't have any sprinkles on them :) So, for the whole week I have been stopping into various stores and checking to see if they have any to no avail. Finally, today I broke down on my 6th store and asked to speak to the produce manager at Kroger. Of course he had no more in the back - he had "sold" them all to the bakery. So, I tracked down the bakery manager. She said no at first. But I begged. Then I begged some more. Then I told her about it being for the kids and how many places I'd been. Then I begged some more. She finally relented so I got the long-stemmed strawberries.

I think I might have to come up with something else if strawberry hunting continues to be this much work every year. But what could possibly top chocolate covered strawberries????

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It Hit Me Like a Ton of Bricks

They send out our elementary school newsletter electronically now, so I got it in my inbox this morning. And attached is a flyer for a parent night with information for picking middle school electives. I almost fell out of my chair. I have been trying really, really, really hard to stay in denial that Emma is going to start middle school in the fall. It doesn't seem like I am going to be able to stay in denial for much longer......

Monday, February 9, 2009

Back to Baseball

The Avengers had their first 2 games last night. It is good to be back to baseball. They lost both games, but played really well, especially since they are playing up for league and are playing kids a full year older than them. Both boys had some great plays! We are looking forward to a great season and a trip to their World Series!

Nicholas had a little accident on Saturday, which almost kept him from playing on Sunday. His friend accidentally slammed his finger in the door. It turned purple immediately and was swollen and painful. We had to put a hole in his nail to relieve the pressure and get some of the blood out. Poor guy didn't want miss out on his first games, but he could barely even throw the ball. He played pitcher instead of catcher, but still managed some really nice plays. He really came through for his team - what a kid! :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Funny Boys!

I guess my big boys haven't outgrown the things little boys like to do. It makes me smile to see them playing in a box again!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Fun

The fried chicken they have been waiting for!

Our festive Cardinals and Steelers cupcakes

The last minute fourth quarter Steelers touchdown dance

The last minute fourth quarter Cardinals frustration!

Either way the game ended, gotta love me some Kurt Warner. He is an amazing guy.....I'm sorry it didn't go their way. This was our first Super Bowl in forever hanging out with just the 5 of us. My parents had friends in town and were busy, so we decided to keep it lowkey and not invite anyone else this time. We hung out in our jammies, ate fried chicken and cupcakes, and had a great time.