Monday, February 9, 2009

Back to Baseball

The Avengers had their first 2 games last night. It is good to be back to baseball. They lost both games, but played really well, especially since they are playing up for league and are playing kids a full year older than them. Both boys had some great plays! We are looking forward to a great season and a trip to their World Series!

Nicholas had a little accident on Saturday, which almost kept him from playing on Sunday. His friend accidentally slammed his finger in the door. It turned purple immediately and was swollen and painful. We had to put a hole in his nail to relieve the pressure and get some of the blood out. Poor guy didn't want miss out on his first games, but he could barely even throw the ball. He played pitcher instead of catcher, but still managed some really nice plays. He really came through for his team - what a kid! :)

1 comment:

Mónica said...

a hole in his nail?!?!?! that's awful! poor guy...i'm not surprised he still played or that he did well :-) good luck with the new season