Thursday, February 19, 2009

What a Night!

The Avengers won their game against the Tornadoes last night 19-6. The boys were SO excited. It is really cool to watch this team come together. They are playing boys a full year older than them in league, so to even win was a big accomplishment. However, it isn't about the winning. They are having so much fun with this team. They are really supportive of each other, and have really bonded as a team. But there are some reminders that they still are 7 year olds. Marcelo said that close to the end of the game, Coach Gary looked over at the bench and said "I'm losing them...." They were all sitting on the bench yawning. It was 8:30 at that point - mine are usually in bed by then :) They have a tournament out in Spring this weekend. They are really excited. People ask us how we can do this all the time. But, when you have kids that LOVE the game so much and are so excited to play, how can you not?? They will only be this age once, and I can only hope their love of baseball stays this strong!

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