Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It Hit Me Like a Ton of Bricks

They send out our elementary school newsletter electronically now, so I got it in my inbox this morning. And attached is a flyer for a parent night with information for picking middle school electives. I almost fell out of my chair. I have been trying really, really, really hard to stay in denial that Emma is going to start middle school in the fall. It doesn't seem like I am going to be able to stay in denial for much longer......


Mónica said...

oh my amy! so weird - emma, a middle schooler? i remember her little chubby cheeks when i first met her. wow, time flies. what are the options for electives?

Amy Conde said...

She can take band, orchestra, or a theater arts/art/choir rotation. None of those options suit her well....except theater arts! We'll see what she picks. With all her ballet she has no time for an instrument.