Saturday, February 28, 2009

What a Lady!

I received an email from my friend Kay, the captain of our Thursday tennis team - I am the co-captain. We played a wonderful team this past Thursday, and Kay's friend Wanda is the captain of the other team. We had a good day of tennis, but our line 1 lost to the other team. Anyhow, Stephanie, the lady who played line 1 with Wanda, had a beautiful smile and was an awesome tennis player. We all commented on her smile and what a lovely person she was. Come to find out, that was her first day back at tennis in a month. Her 37 year old husband had passed away a month ago after a 2 year battle with colon cancer. You would never have known she was going through all of this. I had chatted with her for awhile after their match while we were watching another match. Wow....what an amazing testimony that she could even be standing on the court, nevertheless smiling. Wanda told Kay that Stephanie was anxious to get back to tennis, as the physical activity and the fellowship with the other ladies made her feel "normal", even if just for an hour or two. I always say life is about perspective. God has a way of presenting situations in front of you that show you how good He is, in spite of bad things that happen in the world. I will be praying for Stephanie and her children as they have a hard road ahead of them. She is truly amazing!

As I always tell my tennis ladies, there is no bad day of tennis. We are so blessed to have the time and the opportunity to spend our workout time with a neat group of ladies.

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